Chemo-enzymatic cascade reactions of flavin-dependent monooxygenase and firefly luciferase for detection of halogenated and nitro phenols
Pratchaya Watthaisong1, Aisaraphon Phintha2, Vinutsada Pongsupasa1,Panu Pimviriyakul1, Yoshihiro Ohmiya3,Pimchai Chaiyen1*
1School of Biomolecular Science and Engineering, Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC), Rayong21210, Thailand.
2Department of Biochemistry/Center for Excellence in Protein and Enzyme Technology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University, Bangkok 10400, Thailand.
3National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan.
Halogenated and nitro phenols are used widely as agro- and industrial chemicals. Their accumulations in environment are seriously concerned because they are highly toxic. Their usage and environmental contamination are regulated by United State Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA). Our group has studied enzymatic reactions of flavin-dependent monooxygenase (HadA) which is able of catalyzing dehalogenation and denitration of 4-halogenated and 4-nitro phenols to generate p-benzoquinone. As p-benzoquinone from the HadA reactions can react with D-cysteine to generate D-luciferinwhich is a substrate for firefly luciferase, we have developed a novel chemo-enzymatic method for detection of p-halogenated and p-nitro-phenols. Ratios of p-benzoquinone and D-cysteine were varied and monitored absorption (330 nm) and fluorescence (Em 530 nm) spectrum changes to obtain the best condition for D-luciferin synthesis. We obtained the best ratio of D-luciferin synthesis as 1:4 of p-benzoquinone:D-cysteine. We coupled chemo-enzymatic detection to detect the conversion of p-nitrophenol to D-luciferin using LC-ESI-qTOF techniques. The results showed that not only D- luciferin could be formed but a6-benzothiazole-2-carbaldehyde was also detected. However, this novel chemo-enzymatic reactions can be coupled with the reaction of firefly luciferase to generate light, indicating that this method can be used to detect halogenated and nitro-phenols.
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